3600 Snapfinger Rd. Stonecrest Ga, 30038

Our History
More Than Conquerors Church began its history as Sylvester Baptist Church in the year of 1867. The property was recorded in the Clayton County Archives on January 4, 1909.
Over the decades, many mighty men of God were sent to lead his Flock. Then on January 20 1995, Sylvester Baptist Church was again blessed when C.L. May became Pastor. He has a life changing Ministry that is “Unlike the Traditional and Beyond the Ordinary”.
Through a dedication to prayer and faith for a New Heart and a New Home; January 1st 2017 we moved as a church from 3248 Old Jones Road in Ellenwood, GA to 3600 Snapfinger Road in Lithonia.
In 2019, we refocused our vision to A.C.T., Attract through evangelism and ministry, Connect through fellowship, and Transform through discipleship and worship. We exist to know Christ, to follow Christ and to share Christ.
We continue to conquer…. Being a conqueror means there will be many storms that one must face.
Through it all our hope is in GOD. Lives have been changed, families have joined, and people have given their lives to Christ. GOD continues to be faithful!
Honoring God for what he has done, celebrating him for what he is doing and rejoicing in the Hope for the future!!! We are More Than Conquerors Church!!!

MTC’s mission is to inspire people to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness through preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to unbelievers; teaching the Word of God to believers; and building ministries that will impact the needs of the individual, the family, the church and the community.
We exist to know Christ, follow Christ, and share Christ!
Our vision is ACT: We Attract through evangelism and ministry; Connect through fellowship; Transform through discipleship and worship.
Our Purpose
The More Than Conquerors Church (MTC) is Christ’s dynamic church with a life-changing ministry. Our purpose is to administer to the needs of the whole man, family and community. Jehovah is our God; Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord; the Holy Spirit is our Comforter and we are Christ’s disciples. Our first order of business is soul winning (Proverbs 11:30). Our standard for living is God’s written Word; our attitude toward each other is Agape Love; our services are anointed, spirit filled, and meaningful; our prayers result in change, deliverance and miracles.